Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I have to admit because of work and school I was not able to constrain myself 100% from using digital devices.  However I suppose one of the purposes of this assignment was to drive the point of how much we rely on these devices in our daily lives.  I did limit myself where possible and found myself craving to pull out my iPod, my phone or get on the computer and check my email.  These things have become second nature to me so refraining from them felt like going through some sort of addiction recovery.  On the other hand it was somewhat refreshing to have time away from the devices and spend more time engaging human to human conversation especially with my wife.  It makes me want to find ways that I can cut back on my time with digital devices in order to better experience the tangible world around me.  I don't want to be one of many people in this world who have lost the ability to communicate face to face.  I believe human to human interaction and being present (physically, mentally, emotionally) is one of the most important aspects of being human.

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