Monday, April 30, 2012

...I, Media vs Mass Media (Final)

The answer to THE question, "How can we ensure that our development as moral and social animals keeps pace with our rapidly evolving communication technology?" is best illustrated in Gladston's remarks on pages 150 through the end of the book.

One thing she insists we must do is play an active roll in our media consumption.  To me she's warning us to not be like most peopl and stand with their mouths open to injest media just because it is thrown their way. We have to be wise media consumers!  I think this fact is illustrated in her statement found on p. 150 "...trusting reporters who demonstrate fairness and reliability over time, offering corrections when they get something wrong, and when we care enough--reading the original documents they worked from."

Another way we insure this development as "moral and social animals" is to form groups or "larger and richer webs of interdependence" as she calls them.  She's inviting us here to become independent thinkers, realize that media can be a tool one of the most powerful persuasive devices.  Realize that "we get what we deserve."  These webs of interdependence are forming because many people share similar ideas. Now more than ever their voices can be heard.  This is evident in the Kony 2012 campaign put on by the invisible children organization.  The idea, to stop Joseph Kony, one of the world's worst war criminals is powerful.  As of right now the campaign video has recieved over 88 million views.  Millions of people were affected by the idea that stopping Kony is a just and important cause. This group formed from an powerful idea, now the group has potential to make a difference. Whether or not that will happen is to be determined but it has unfortunately failed in many ways which is a whole discussion in and of itself.

Another important idea that Gladstone tries to get accross is that "Worrying about offending people drags us back to the lowest common denominator. Any company that offers cool devices—but bans applications that might offend some users—stands in the way of evolution" (p. 151). I think what she is talking about here is what we just saw with the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) which many believe would cause serious restrictions and bans on the internet, some might even say unconstitutional.  From the article "How Sopa Would Affect You: FAQ" found on the cnet news website big internet companies say that SOPA is "a serious risk to our industry's continued track record of innovation and job creation, as well as to our nation's cybersecurity."

I think the reason Gladstone poses this question near the end of her book is to help us realize that if we're not playing an active role in our media consumption the media will...well consume us.  We would soon believe that we're under the influence of a machine.  Media and technology would become our enemy rather than one of the greatest tools that has ever been created, tools that have the potential to advance human kind. 

"Our enimies are not the digital bits that dance across our screens but the neural impulses that animate our lizard brains." (p. 155)


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I have to admit because of work and school I was not able to constrain myself 100% from using digital devices.  However I suppose one of the purposes of this assignment was to drive the point of how much we rely on these devices in our daily lives.  I did limit myself where possible and found myself craving to pull out my iPod, my phone or get on the computer and check my email.  These things have become second nature to me so refraining from them felt like going through some sort of addiction recovery.  On the other hand it was somewhat refreshing to have time away from the devices and spend more time engaging human to human conversation especially with my wife.  It makes me want to find ways that I can cut back on my time with digital devices in order to better experience the tangible world around me.  I don't want to be one of many people in this world who have lost the ability to communicate face to face.  I believe human to human interaction and being present (physically, mentally, emotionally) is one of the most important aspects of being human.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

app review

  • Created by Otavio Good, former game developer and founder of Quest Visual.
  • Released on Dec. 16, 2010.
  • Augmented reality translation application.
  • Available on iPad, iPhone, iTouch.
  • (Mostly) Travelers
Potentially appeal to anyone desiring to translate foriegn languages (students, businesses, ect).

  • Struggles tranlating small text
  • Struggles in low light
  • Not 100% accurate
  • Ability to translate smaller text
  • More accurately translate
  • More languages
  • Audio component
File:WordLens Screenshot French.jpg

Monday, March 5, 2012


Film projection was invented in the late 1800's and has been an important part of our culture ever since.  Even though now many places are projecting motion pictures digitally the concept is still the same.  In the early 1900's movie palaces sprang up all over the country, today we call them movie theaters or cinemas.  But we no longer have to go to a movie theater to seek out our entertainment, in today's world we are projecting in a sense right into our very homes.


Television has been around for a long time. We've brought the moving pictures out of the theater into our homes.  So aside from a huge jump in quality with HDTV what is it that makes our era so special?  We're still using the same concepts that television has been using for a long time right?  

 True, but there's much more!  We have gone from being a passive viewer, to an active participator in our entertainment viewing experiences.  

 How have they converged?-
The new technology has changed the old industry of being a passive viewer and allows us to respond too, choose and interact with our media entertainment and news. Gone from story telling to relaying information and entertainment.

How this medium is adapted to the usability and adaptability of new media devices-
Antenna/wifi hub technology allows connection to films, games, news, sports information and much more. DVR makes it possible to record shows for playback and skip commercials. (This access and connection can also be achieved with tablets, phones and other smart devices).

Hulu, Amazon Instant Video, NetFlix, Veoh, Clicker, xfinity, AOL, Babelgum, Comedy Central, Joost

Internet/Gaming/Music/Social Networking
Films are no longer the only use of projection technology.  Even our home theaters have become places where we listen to our favorite music, use Facebook, play games and get the weather update.


Facebook Survey
Strategy Analytics: Apple to Capture 32 Percent of Connected TV Player Market in 2011

“While connected TV players have not gained mainstream traction, an increasing number of consumers are buying them, as they offer one of the easiest ways to get Internet content onto the big TV screen. The lower price points of the second generation Apple TV and Roku Box have made them more affordable and compelling to consumers. More than 8 percent of US households now own a connected TV player, compared to 7 percent of European households.”

Facebook Survey

Cable -37.5% 
Wifi hub-12.5%


Apple iTV- to be released hopefully this year, maybe next...

Ability to rate your movies and have programs to pick movies based on those ratings that you would be interested in. 


Lean back-
Move Forward-
Jump In-
Add on???-

Ways to make you more involved, better 3d, holographic images, being able to interact w/ characters, choose the ending, seat movement, incorporate smells? 

Old media-film projection in movie palaces, new media-digital projection into living room, interaction with media via wifi connection.  Programs such as Hulu/Netfilx that allow us to choose our entertainmen.  More control over when and what we watch and ability to interact.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The iPad and other tablet devices have grown signifigantly in popularity since their release a couple of years ago.  Many people are waiting in anticipation for Apple's new iPad 3 rumored to come out in March of this year.  Considering the new devices that are hitting the market I would choose this one as my number one recommendation to family, friends and well anybody for that matter, and here's why:

A bump in dislplay: it is rumored to have double the resolution (2048x1536 pixels).  However the actually size of the tablet will not change.  Kyle Wagner in his article iPad 3: Everything We Think We Know (Updated) said, "The iPad may only be two years old, but it's already such an institution that any radical shifts in design or philosophy are almost definitely out of the question (sorry, 7-inch believers). But that doesn't mean we don't expect see some significant changes both inside and out."
For those already oriented and familiar with the size and workflow of the iPad 2, there will be no tough transitions.

Some believe the iPad 3 will have an A6 pack with a quad core which will no doubt make it super fast.  Another interesting feature is the rumored HD front facing camera that will allow for video facetime.  This in my opinion will be a super cool feature. 

It is interesting to note how consumer values are driving the paradigm shifts here.  Demanding ever faster technology with abilities that are not bound to any device.  What I mean by that is if someone can do something such as video conference on their smart phone or home computer and not their tablet they may be unhappy.  I find it facsinating that consumers are driving this market.  The devices are becoming more and more taylored to fit the needs of their consumers, and those needs tend to be universal, not bound to one device.  I think the iPad 3 and will continue to provide consumers with the latest and best ways to stay connected in ways they prefer, do research, game, or whatever.  People want this thing to do everything, and it's well on it's way.

As far as the consumer values in the different markets, they will all be met by this device.  I can't think of a better more efficient way for two businessmen accross the country to communicate, for a doctor to store his information about patients and do research and for companies to log and keep customer profiles and information.  The device is powerful and I would highly recommend it to anyone as the new be

Works Cited device.